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Songs that Stick: Es Buurebüebli

When I was a little girl, in about 1969 or so, I spent a few memorable weeks on Orcas Island at a summer camp. There was a Swiss exchange student who worked that summer as a camp counselor, a young leader of even younger people, myself included. She was beautiful, … Continue reading

in the gallery

Léon Wuidar is Being Belgian

Here's Léon Wuidar, represented by White Cube gallery, a Belgian neo-suprematist descended from that grand tradition, with a show going on seven weeks already, with just two more weeks 'til it unhangs.


Eight years ago, I was interviewed for the magazine BaliSavvy “The Official American Express® Guide to the Island”. I found a copy of that old interview recently in an archive of the adversities I have endured since March 2010. I decided to post the 2010 interview here in several installments as a prologue … Continue reading blog new revived since Bali and now on Vashon Island

All Change

I used to live in London, where I rode the District Line from Parson’s Green to the City for work. God bless the London Underground. I appreciated its no-nonsense and no-frills way of moving humans around. But I cursed the Underground when the loud announcement, “All change! All change!” blasted … Continue reading

Filastine | Colony Collapse

Stills from the video “Colony Collapse” by sound artist Grey Filastine and Nova, Javanese vocalist of sounds and messages without borders. Filastine will appear at Antidasoundgarden on 10 January, and at BetelNut in Ubud the evening before. Can we all make our contributions for the “tukang terang” (cloud clearer), perhaps? … Continue reading

Bali invasion

Interesting little spontaneous essay by “Joan of Bali” popped up in the comments section of one of my posts. Since it was “public” I take the liberty of reposting it here. Thanks Joan. “When I came here I saw a very different economy than I came from but I didn’t … Continue reading

Susi Johnston Teguh, Koran Harian, Radar Makassar


Kemarin sore, saya pulang dari Polda Bali. Seperti biasa, selama dua tahun akhir ini, saya datang dari jauh ke Reskrim untuk menanyakan lagi, bagaimana disposisi tiga kasus kriminal dimana saya menjadi korban. Saya sudah 49 kali datang untuk menanyakan hal itu, dan seperti sebelumnya, saya tidak dapat jawaban yang menerangkan … Continue reading

Sylvie Goussopoulos Shoots Bali, Oddly Enough

Sylvie Goussopoulos, is French photographer with an eccentric eye. She’s just shot Bali, and her images from the Bali trip are the subject of an exhibition entitled Pas d’amok à Bali, that opened last night at the Librairie L’ivraie in Montpelier. Goussopoulos considers herself and “ethno-photographer,” and her work often … Continue reading

Presidential Election indonesia 2014

July Forever 2014 Never Now

welcome to the waning moon. it doesn’t matter what we want it to do, it wanes away just the same. it doesn’t matter how many votes either candidate gets. prabowo has already decided that he will rule this country, and he will brook no dissent, nor can he, with row … Continue reading

Bali Not For Sale #notforsale

The Susi Johnston Situation: Death to Nominee Scams

Here’s an update on the very intriguing situation I have been thrown into, and have navigated faithfully for the past two years. A three-page summary of the news to date (and the background of this regrettable situation) can be downloaded by clicking here: Susi Johnston Situation (3.5MB – Be patient.)

Sea of garbage

Look carefully. It appears most of the beached flotsam is organic; leaves, brush, seaweed, etc. This kind of organic material accumulates naturally on beaches. In fact, the banks of driftwood and organic stuff that are swept ashore following storms are an important part of coastal ecosystems. They become living parts … Continue reading

Surat Terbuka – KAPOLRI

Desa Pererenan, Badung 30 September 2013 PERMOHONAN PENYELESAIAN PENGADUAN 3 (TIGA) KASUS DI POLDA BALI Kepada Yth., Bapak/Ibu/Saudara(i) KEPALA KEPOLISIAN RI Jenderal Polisi Timur Pradopo Dengan Hormat, Sebelumnya saya sampaikan bahwa surat ini sekaligus memberi masukan agar terjadi peningkatan berkaitan dengan kinerja Aparat Kepolisian dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat; semakin … Continue reading

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