I spent a chunk of time last year writing the new edition of Bali Chic for Editions Didier Millet. It’s finally out, just in time for the high season in Bali. You can find it at Didier Millet, and also on the sub-site for the whole Chic series, “The Chic Collection“. And of course you can get it from Amazon.com.
Writing it was heavy going, because I love Bali but have ambivalent feelings about the direction that development is taking here. And I had to pander to the participating businesses, which wasn’t always easy. My original text for the book was edgier than what is printed. The editors were nice women from Singapore with an allergy to edginess. The outcome is a bit confusing in some passages, where the editing not only blunted the “edges” but also the logic. Never mind. There is a wealth of inside info here, which I don’t think you can find in other guide books.
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