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Parking Chaos Spoils the Ubud Experience

by Susi, 11 October 2008

Ubud parking and traffic problems.

From a bali news website written in Indonesian, called Berita Bali, comes this little item about traffic and parking problems in Ubud, Bali’s most famous hill town. (The translation is mine.)

Parking Chaos in Ubud: Never a Day Without a Traffic Jam

Although it is one of Bali’s most popular destinations for foreign travellers, the Ubud area still has no viable system for handling parking and traffic. People park their vehicles in an utterly chaotic fashion. So never a day passes without a traffic jam in this area famous for the arts.

Although a parking lot has recently been created in from the Puri Lukisan museum, parking still causes big problems in this small town. Most drivers and motorcyclists park on the roads, causing congestion.

“We hope the government will actually get serious about handling the parking problem, so in the future it isn’t total mayhem like it is now,” said Agung Cahaya, a local observer. 

His complaint is not unfounded. Every single day the pleasures of Ubud are spoiled by traffic backups, particularly on the route leading from the Monkey Forest north toward the Ubud palace.

“Sure, the government has made some efforts to overcome the parking problem in Ubud, but they need to pay more serious attention so the parking chaos here can be sorted out properly,” he said.

My experience owning a gallery in Ubud on Monkey Forest Road, and watching the buses and cars backed up every afternoon spewing fumes and noise bears out the points that Berita Bali’s blog post makes. Exactly. It’s mayhem. Inexcusable.

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